#HerGameToo Sexism Reporting Tool

  • A message from #HerGameToo, a voluntary campaign that works to tackle sexism in sport and empower women and girls to be involved. They have created a useful tool for anonymously reporting witnessed or experienced sexism, which may be helpful for your club or team since they manage all of the admin, investigations, etc. You can contact the team at cricket@hergametoo.co.uk
    "Now more than ever, it is important that women and girls in the sport are aware that there is a dedicated place where incidents can be reported.
    Our reporting system is a form on our website. You can check it out here: REPORT
    The form allows you to outline the details of the incident, which are then handled on an individual basis depending on the information that is provided.
    With our partnered clubs, we generate our reporting posters which contain the QR code which can take people straight to the site.
    A leaflet is attached that briefly describes who we are, what we do and where to find us. On the second page, there is a QR code for our reporting form."

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